April Community Meeting

Most Holy Name School Hall 1515 Tinsbury St., Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Troy Hill Community Meetings Meeting Time: 6 p.m.Meeting Location: Online - we will send out a Zoom link ahead of each community meeting for neighbors who cannot join us in

Troy Hill Community Clean-Up

Troy Hill Citizens Park Claim St. & Hatteras St., Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Redd Up Our Hill! May 17 | 10 am - 12 pmAugust 2 | 10 am - 12 pmSeptember 6 | 10 am - 12 pmOctober 25 | 10 am

Troy Hill Neighborhood Yard Sale

Troy Hill Citizens Park Claim St. & Hatteras St., Pittsburgh, PA, United States

We're thrilled to announce that we'll be hosting the Third Annual Troy Hill Yard Sale! This day promises to not only be a great yard sale, but also to be a great way

June Community Meeting

Most Holy Name School Hall 1515 Tinsbury St., Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Learn more about Troy Hill happenings, news, events, and neighbors. Join our regular community meeting and voice your cares and concerns.

Troy Hill Community Clean-Up

Troy Hill Citizens Park Claim St. & Hatteras St., Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Redd Up Our Hill! August 2 | 10 am - 12 pmSeptember 6 | 10 am - 12 pmOctober 25 | 10 am - 12 pm Let's show some neighborhood