Commercial Vacancy

The following locations are actively seeking tenants.  For a complete list of commercial vacancies in Troy Hill, as well as an overview of recent planning for the re-establishment of a Troy Hill Business Association, please refer to the Troy Hill Business Association Initial Plan (2018).  For more information and statistics on the potential of business in Troy Hill, please refer to the URA Troy Hill Business District Profile.

1619 Lowrie St. (1st Floor)

July 2018 Listing

Note: As of August 2018, this location is unavailable as we seek to establish a long term lease agreement with a new business. We will be providing updates as this agreement proceeds and the new tenant is established!

1701 Lowrie St. (1st Floor)

Craiglist Ad

Contact troyhillrentals AT

1733 Lowrie St.

NEXTpittsburgh Article

Historical Usage as Troy Hill Incline

Contact troyhillcommercial AT