2019 Pigtoberfest
Calling all Vendors, Volunteers and Neighborhood Organizations!
We are currently looking for vendors of various flea and retail goods, as well as volunteers for help setting up, supporting the event, and cleaning up. Local businesses and organizations wishing to set up a table are also encouraged to do so. Email troyhillpittsburgh@gmail.com with subject “Pigtoberfest 2019 Participation.”
Pigtoberfest is a Troy Hill community festival filled with good food, great people (your neighbors!) and fun activities. Its name is a reference to the history of Rialto St., which was used for transporting pigs between stockyards and slaughterhouses located in Spring Hill and Herrs Island (Washington’s Landing).
Event Date and Time
The event will be held on October 12th from 2 to 6 pm in beautiful Troy Hill Citizens Park. The event is held rain or shine.
Do you make an amazing sweet treat? Bring it to Pigtoberfest and have it judged under one of the three categories: cakes/pies, cookies/bars, and breads. Treats can be sweet or savory and will be judged by a panel of neighbors. Prizes will be awarded for first place in each category. All baked goods must arrive by 3 pm; judging will take place at 3 pm.
Pumpkin Carving Contest
Bring your best carving skills and put them to the test! Free to all participants! To accurately judge the number of pumpkins needed, you will need to sign up for the pumpkin carving contest by Thursday, October 10th. Register here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdfTmYVW3h25jsRiRO3_FsmpnQptSNKDKXz1ff6m7mTpFw9Zg/viewform?usp=sf_link
Cornhole and other lawn games will be on site, plus 50/50 raffle, music and more.
Art Installation and Walking Tour of the Neighborhood!
After Pigtoberfest, join us for a special walking tour of the neighborhood as part of the Steps We Take project, hosted by Bike Pittsburgh and the City of Pittsburgh’s Office of Public Art! (http://www.bikepgh.org/sites/steps-we-take/)
Questions? Want to volunteer? Email troyhillpittsburgh@gmail.com.