Fresh Produce Pickup at Pear and the Pickle!

Pear and the Pickle is pleased to offer fresh, local produce thru partnership with Tiny Seed Farm and their Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program. Tiny Seed Farm is a small, local (only 10 miles from Troy Hill), organic farm with about 40 CSA shares a year.

  • A CSA is a program through which local farms sell produce directly to consumers, without the markup of grocers. These programs make fresh, affordable produce accessible by also offering local pickups, in this case at Pear and the Pickle.
  • CSA shares can be purchased at the individual level ($22/week, $484 total) or family level ($27/week, $584 total). Payment can be made in full, or via a payment plan ($100 deposit). The CSA share season runs from June 5th to October 30th (22 weeks).
  • Drop-offs will be made weekly, most likely on Saturdays or Sundays. An individual share is approximately the size of a large paper grocery bag, and consists of a variety of in-season vegetables. Shares are currently limited to vegetables, although Tiny Seed Farm is currently working to expand their offerings.
  • Shares may be purchased at anytime prior to June 5th via the Tiny Seed website; however, a minimum of 10 signups are required to secure drop-off service at Pear and the Pickle.
    • To sign up for drop-off service, please visit Pear and the Pickle and speak with Bobby.  A $20 refundable deposit and basic contact information is required at the time of signup. The recommended signup deadline is April 22th (Earth Day!) due to limited CSA shares.
    • Alternatively, purchase your shares thru the Tiny Seed website, and send Todd (Tiny Seed Farm owner) an email with your name and contact information, stating that you are interested in pickup at Pear and the Pickle.  You can use the Tiny Seed contact form, or contact Todd directly at:

Email: todd AT

Tel: 17177255177

So don’t hesitate, sign up today to help guarantee the availability of this service for both yourself and your neighbors!