Troy Hill News: The ServePGH Love Your Block Grant combined with volunteers, including PITT students makes for a successful day!

The ServePGH Love Your Block Grant combined with volunteer help (including a HUGE hand and a very BIG THANKS to the University of Pittsburgh Students “Pitt Make a Difference Day”) made for a successful work session at our Citizens Park and for Troy Hill!

•The Tree boxes around the Park and along Troy Hill Road were weeded and cleaned.

•Two empty tree boxes (on the Claim St. sidewalk) were filled and designed with paver stone. And the Fr. Feldmeier and Charles Plantz Memorial Markers were installed as centerpieces in these areas.

•A pet litter station with a litter bag dispenser and receptacle was installed in the Park.

•The Children’s Play area of the Park, including the “sand box” were worked on during this session.


 Saturday October 18, 2014